Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the gift /lessons in life

today before you say an unkind word think of some one who cant speak

before you complain about the taste of your food - think of someone who has nothing

before you complain about your husband or wife - think of some one crying out to god for a companion

today before you complain about life -think of some one who went early to heaven

today before you complain about your children - think of someone who desires them and are barren

before you argue about your dirty house someone didnt clean or sweep - think of the people living on the street

before you complain about the didstance you drive - think of some one who walks the same distance wth their feet

and when your tierd and complain about your job - think of the unemployed disabled and those who wish they had your job

but before you point your finger or condeming another - remember not one of us without sin and we all answer the same maker

when depressing thoughts get you down -put a smile on your face and thank god your alive and still around

enjoy everything about your life and be thankful every moment for life is more than a gift

lessons in life

1. life isnt fair but its still good
2. when in doubt take the next small step
3. life is to short to waste time hating someone
4. dont take your self seriously no one else dose
5. pay off your credits cards every month
6. you dont have to win every agruement agree to disagree
7. cry with someone its more healing than crying alone
8. its ok to get angry with god he can take it
9. save for retirement with your first pay cheuque
10. when it comes to chocolate resistince is futile
11. make peace with your past so it wont screw up the present
12. its ok to let your children see you cry
13. dont compare your life to others
14. if a relationship has to be secret you should not be in it
15.every thing can change in a blink of an eye but dont worry god never blinks
16. life is to short for pity parties get busy living or get busy dying
17. you can get through any thing if you stay put in today
18. a writer writes if you want to be a writer write
19 . its never to late to live a happy child hood but the second one is up to you and no one else
20. when it comes to going after what you love in life dont take no for an answer
21. burn the candles use the nice sheets wear the fancy lingereie dont save it for a special occasion
22. over prepare then go with the flow
23. be eccentric now dont wait till old age to wear purple
24. most important sex organ is the brain
25. no one is in charge of your happiness except for you
26. frame every so called disaster with these words in five years will this matter
27. always choose life
28. forgive everyone and everything
29. what other people think of you is none of your bussiness
30. time heals anthing give time time
31. how ever good or bad the situation is it will change
32. your job wont take care of you when your sick friends will stay in touch
33. believe in maracles
34.god loves you because of who god is not beacuse of what you did or did not do
35. what ever dosent kill you makes you stronger
36. growing old beats the alternitive of dying young
37. your children only get one child hood make it memorable
38. read palsms they have human emotion
39. get out side everyday maracles are waiting every where
40 . if we all threw are problems in a pile we would see every one elses and take ours back
41. dont audit live show up and make the most of it now
42. get rid of every thing that isnt useful beautiful or joyful
43. all that truely matters in the end is that you loved
44. envy is a waste of time you alread have what you need
45. the best is yet to come
46. no matter how you feel get up dress up show up
47. take a deep breath it calms the mind
48. if you dont ask you dont get
49 . yeild
50. life isnt tied with a bow buts its still a gift